Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Cleaning Up Your Online Image on Social Media Networking Sites

Cleaning Up Your Online Image on Social Media Networking SitesCleaning Up Your Online Image on Social Media Networking SitesHave you considered that the image that you are presenting to the rest of the world, including potential employers, may be working against your efforts? Have you recently checkedsome of the profiles you have on social media networking sites like Facebook, MySpace, LinkedIn, Twitter, or your personal blogs?Employers Use Social Media to Screen CandidatesWhile many of the social media sites are there for personal fun and networking, there are employers out there who are also represented. Its not uncommon for hiring managers or human resource people to come across interesting profiles and invite other members to learn more about career opportunities. Its also not uncommon for them to do their research there to find out more about job applicants, although the legality of this is often questioned.In a recent study conducted by SHRM (the Society for Human Resources Man agement) an estimated one-third of all human resources managers use some type of social media network to recruit and research potential employees. (HR Magazine, Dec. 08) So when employers are searching for you verbunden, what will they find? Hopefully nothing that will embarrass you or negate from your value as a potential hire.How to Clean Up Your OnlineImageHere are some tips to help you put your best face forward and help you get started on cleaning up that image on all the social media networks you belong to1. Remove any and all embarrassing photos or videos of you online.While it may be amusing to your friends and family, its not very flattering to your image.2. Create accounts, profiles and email accounts with mature sounding names.Avoid the following words sexy, sweetie, baby, stud, crazy, lover, or any other words that sound immature or sexual in nature.3. Be careful what you post online under your name.Do a quick Google search to weed out any posts on forums or networking s ites that are offensive. Likewise, stop posting personal things about your life unless its under a fictitious name.4. Develop a nice blog or website dedicated to your job search.On there, post a confidential resume (leave off personal information like address, phone numbers, etc.) and examples of your work portfolio. Leave off the cutesy pictures, music and themes make it as professional as possible.If you work hard to improve your image online, you should start to get better results when you do your job search. Be sure to use the social networking sites to let others know you are searching for a great new online job and see if you can establish any networks with companies that are hiring in your industry. There are a great number of resources you can tap into on the Internet and social media networking is one of them.Readers, have you had to clean up your online image? How did you do it? Tell us about it in the comments section below

Friday, December 27, 2019

Dont Thwart Job Search Success Avoid These 6 Mistakes

Dont Thwart Job Search Success Avoid These 6 MistakesDont Thwart Job Search Success Avoid These 6 MistakesSometimes, ur own worst enemy is the one staring back at us in the mirror. Although we mentally want to succeed, our actions might say otherwise, and in the end may be what is causing us to fail. During a period of unemployment, make sure you dont ruin your chance of job search success by standing in your own way. Keep reading to learn about the mistakes you might be making and how you can get yourself back on track.Here are six ways you could be ruining your job search success, and job search tips to correct these mistakes1. Taking ShortcutsIn an effort to save time or make the most of the time you have, you might take a shortcut here or there. Dont. Taking shortcuts only shortchanges your efforts and your overall success.What you should do Take the time necessary to complete the task, and see it through to the end. Set yourself up for success by managing your time.2. notlage As king Others for HelpUnemployment can come with feelings of guilt, embarrassment, or inadequacy. This mindset can lead to taking everything on, on your own. Dont try to do everything yourself as youll find yourself missing important details, feeling stressed, and limiting your opportunities.What you should do Reach out to your network and allow your connections to guide you. Rely on people whocan provide a different perspective, job search support, or a break away from the stress of job searching.3. Not Focusing on QualityIn theory, sending in 20 applications rather than 10 should increase your chances of landing an interview, and subsequently a job. However, when you dont focus on quality, your chances decrease. Hiring managers and HR professionals arent looking for someone who can do mediocre work quickly, but provide quality work within goal parameters.What you should do Make sure that you dot your Is and cross your Ts. Focus your efforts on ensuring the details of your work are o f quality. Places that you should focus are your cover letter, resume, social media profiles, and online portfolios.4. Avoiding ResearchYou found a job with a title you love and the requirements match up with your skills and experience. So, you send in your cover letter and resumewith the applications without so much as looking at the company. However, you arentever called for an interview, and werent evenacknowledged through the application process.What you should do Before sending in your application, prep your cover letter and resume to make the best impression. Research the company and include personal details in your cover letter about being a good fit. In your resume, focus your skills and experience on the company and the job you are applying. Dont forget the importance of keywords, too5. Letting Others Sway YouUsing the support of others is a great way to further your job search success. However, you dont want to let them sway your decisions. Sure, there are different perspe ctives to consider, but making a decision based on someones investment or ideas might backfire on you.What you should do Before beginning a job search, take stock of what you want. Consider doing assessments to help you learn more about yourself. Feeling more confident about your choices will help keep you from making decisions based on others decisions.6. Not Taking ActionTime is of the essence when conducting a job search. From applying in a timely fashion to returning phone calls, a lack of action can leave you without any job offers. Making quick and decisive decisions is necessary.What you should do Monitor for new jobs at the same time nearly every day. Applying quickly, after youve done your research and created quality documents, is pertinent. Also, dont be afraid to apply to those jobs youre on the fence about. Take action and take the leap.Job search success relies on you not standing in your own way. Dont ruin your chances by falling into a pattern of destructive actions. Rather, avoid the above mistakes by taking the time necessary to focus on the smaller details and the quality of your submissions.Readers, what steps do you take to have job search success? What are some other mistakes should job seekers avoid? Tell us below

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Customize this Outstanding Entry Level Engineer Resume Template

Customize this Outstanding Entry Level Engineer Resume TemplateCustomize this Outstanding Entry Level Engineer Resume TemplateWriting the Entry Level Engineer Resume TemplateYour resume has only one purpose to generate interest beyond a casual glance. The key to writing an effective resume is creating an eye-catching presentation of your attributes thats likely to entice the reader to want to know more about what you can offer as a new employee. Use the following Entry Level Engineer resume template as the basis for your own well-crafted resume designed to boost your odds of landing the job.Create Resume Resume Template for Entry Level Engineer Ernest DixonProfessional SummaryRecent Electrical Engineering graduate seeking an Entry Level Engineer position. Expertise includes innovative design applications, system diagnostics, industry-standard circuitry and residential and commercial electrical installations. Possess excellent analytical skills, sold communication abilities and curr ent technical knowledge and insight.Core QualificationsPower system conversionsCircuit design and testingTroubleshooting and resolutionSystems analysisEquipment maintenanceTechnology designExperienceAssistant Electrical Engineer, January 2015 June 2015Wilson Electrical Systems, New Cityland, CADesigned complex electrical systems with great accuracy while working under the supervision of a senior electrical engineer.Assisted with the determination of the proper voltage required in the replacement of an outdated system as part of an extensive commercial project.Conducted a comparison of solar power systems that resulted in suggesting an option to a residential client that was approximately 25 percent less than their expected installation and operation cost.Electrical Engineer Internship, September 2014 December 2014Hughes Electrical Contracting and Consulting, New Cityland, CAConsistently showed a willingness to work flexible schedules to complete projects on time.Assisted with comp lete renovation of a 75-year-old home with an outdated electrical system.Updated content for the company blog and posted tips on their website and social platforms.Education2014 Bachelor of Science, Electrical EngineeringUniversity of California, New Cityland, CACustomize Resume

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Customize this Outstanding House Supervisor Nurse Resume Sample

Customize this Outstanding House Supervisor Nurse Resume SampleCustomize this Outstanding House Supervisor Nurse Resume SampleWhen starting your own resume from scratch, it can be difficult to figure out what you should say and what you should leave out. You may not know for certain how you should lay everything out in a way that will impress a potential employer and land you the job you desire. In your case, a house supervisorinin nurse resume sample could be quite helpful in giving you useful tips for devising your own resume. You ought to use the resume sample below as a guideline for your own resume. How should you introduce yourself professionally? How should you talk about your qualifications? What is the best way to describe the positions that you have held? Our resume sample and tips can help you answer all these questions and more so you can make the resume you deserve.Create Resume Pagie Janes100 Broadway LaneNew Parkland, CA, 91010Cell (555) 987-1234emailexample.comProfes sional SummaryHouse Supervisor Nurse proficient at promoting and restoring patients health by developing daily management and long-term planning of patient care plans. Collabosatz with physicians and other professional staffs. Excels at providing physical and psychological support for patients, family members and friends.Core Qualifications Patient care planner Nursing operational standards Policy adherence Employee discipline Hiring and training SchedulingExperienceHouse Supervisor Nurse, April 2012 PresentLos Angeles Memorial Hospital Los Angeles, CA Schedule and assign nursing and staff to complete patient care requirements and follow up on patient care results. Complete nursing human resources tasks by hiring, interviewing, orientating, training, assigning and scheduling employees. Communicate job expectations and contributions to employees and ensure adherence to policies and procedures. Provide and perform annual budget information to meet nursing financial standards and moni tor all expenditures. Write and update nursing policies and procedures to maintain nursing standards. Create a compassionate environment for patients, family members and friends by providing psychological, emotional and spiritual support.House Supervisor Nurse, August 2008 May 2012Monterey Clinical Services Monterey, CA Answered any questions and addressed any concerns that patients, friends and family members had regarding patient care and progress. Established patient care goals to promote patient independence and provided counseling to patients, family members and friends to ensure understanding of diseases, medications and self-care skills. Maintain documentation of patient care services by auditing departmental and patient records.Education2008 Bachelor of Science, NursingUniversity of California Los Angeles, CACustomize ResumeWhy Is This a Good House Supervisor Nurse Resume Sample?You will notice that this jobseeker begins with a professional summary that briefly but clearly describes who she is as a house supervisor nurse. It is vital to begin in this way because you want to hook your readers attention and keep his or her focus by not requiring him or her to read lengthy sentences describing who you are. Just like in our house supervisor nurse resume sample, you want to keep your professional summary as concise as possible by using three sentences and leaving out first-person pronouns.The core qualifications in our house supervisor nurse resume sample are helpful because they are necessary requirements for anyone who would hope to hold the position. As shown, you want to state approximately six to eight impressive qualifications in a bulleted list so the hiring managers can see up front that you are a good fit for the job. The bulleted list is plain to read, and keeping the number of qualifications below nine makes it so the reader is not overwhelmed by information overload.This resume sample contains a good example of an effective experience section. The applicant describes her job not as a series of rote, memorized duties, but instead as a list of achievements and continued improvements to her work environment. Employers want to see that you go above and beyond what might be expected, so you ought to include things you do that may not be required of you but that you do anyway to make your surroundings better. Quantify your contributions with metrics when possible. Since you must be qualified to be a nurse, the education section is a necessary part of your resume. However, you do not need to go into extreme detail about your education because most employers just want to see that you have completed the necessary degrees.Why You Need a Strong House Supervisor Nurse ResumeThe nursing field, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, is supposed to grow 17 percent by 2024, which is good news for those looking for jobs in the field. However, a faster-than-average growth rate does not mean that you do not need an eye-catching resum e. In fact, it means the opposite you need a resume that will capture the attention of the hiring managers so that you stand out from the countless other applicants applying for the same position. You want to show that out of all the people applying, you are not only the most qualified but also the most valuable employee to have on the team. Using our house supervisor nurse resume sample will help you shape the most attractive resume possible.Costly House Supervisor Nurse Resume Mistakes to AvoidYou know by now not to make certain mistakes such as misspelling words, using unsuitable language, and lying about positions you have held. There are other mistakes, however, that as a nurse you ought to avoid to keep your resume striking and impressive.Nursing consists of dealing with medicines a great deal of the time, so practical knowledge of how medicines affect patients is necessary. Since this knowledge is so vital, you ought to include it in your resume. You do not, though, want to n eglect the human side of nursing. As a nurse, you constantly have to deal with patients, families, doctors, and other nurses. It would be a ghastly error to neglect to mention how well you work with others. This house supervisor nurse resume sample points out interpersonal skills in the professional summary and work experience sections. Employers want to make sure you work well with people you see on a daily basis, so do not forget to mention your people skills in your resume.ConclusionAs we have seen with the house supervisor nurse resume sample, you need to present your knowledge and skills clearly and quickly so employers can note how qualified you are at just a glance. By personalizing this sample or simply using it as a comparison piece, you can create a winning resume that will get you noticed in the growing field of nursing.

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Staffing for Managerial Skills that Matter Most

Staffing for Managerial Skills that Matter MostStaffing for Managerial Skills that Matter MostStaffing for Managerial Skills that Matter Most MuzioIf youve recently been hired as a manager, you know the dirty secretManagement positions come with surprisingly little guidance. Whether you were promoted internally or brought in from outside, you were probably expected to hit the ground running, toward only the vaguest of goals.Many of the problems new managers experience stem from that secret. They are faced with an ill-defined job and equally intense pressure from above and below. Plus, as the pivot points in the information revolution, they are barraged with queries about the work of their groups.Its easy to see why capable, well-meaning managers resort to micromanagement, detachment, grandstanding, or sheer block-headedness in an effort to find some sort of stability for themselves and their employees.How can you avoid these pitfalls? The following six steps will help you define your purpose as manager1. Define your own job clearly. If youre a new manager, this is your first and most important step. You need a memorable, meaningful definition, something that you can figuratively (or literally) write across your bathroom mirror so that you see it every morning.I suggest engender useful output. Your primary responsibility as a manager is to maximize the likelihood that your employees will be productive your task is to create an environment in which employee output is clearly defined and realistically achievable. If youre notlage doing that, then it doesnt matter what data youre gathering, which employees youre monitoring, or whose ear youre bending.You may be busy, you may be stressed, and you may look managerial, but youre not doing your job.2. Define your groups output.To engender output you must first define it. This task is easier said than done.Todays workdistributions-mix changes quickly, and managers at all levels are expected to turn the work of their gro ups on a dime. Your own manager may not be terribly clear on long range company plans, so neither of you may fully understand how the work of your group will change in the next quarter, month, or even week.Uncertainty about the future is not an excuse for lack of productivity in the present.If your plan is to wait around until everything is known before doing anything, you might as well lock the doors and go home for goodThings will change again and again, and only by delivering on current plans will you and your company learn what works, and what changes to make next.Besides, the definition of your groups required output is the definition of YOUR required output as manager.Defining it is one part good management practice and one part career survival.3. Seek momentary clarity rather than permanent answers. Speak with your leaders about what your group can reasonably produce right now and then agree to task your group with producing it right now.Make it clear that unless you hear oth erwise, until the next scheduled check-in you will follow the current plan. Then, verbally summarize the output you are committing to engender in about 90 seconds.During follow-on discussions with your management, use that mini-commercial as a way to gently remind them what you are working on, so that they can edit your understanding if needed.When changes, do come, dont fight them.Welcome the new information, openly revise your understanding of what you need to produce, and clearly explain the time and resources you need to accomplish the change. If you cant turn the boat in an hour, say so.Its far better to be up front when something isnt possible than to agree to it under duress but fail to deliver.4. Become an expert in defining and communicating expectations. Of course, your definition is only half the story.To engender output from your group, you need to convert from the commitment you made as manager into what each of your employees must do individually.Contrary to popular op inion, this doesnt mean telling your employees what to do.It means teaching them to discuss what they are doing themselves to create their own 90 second mini-commercials and then working with them on a shared understanding of whats needed.You havent successfully taught an employee his or her expected output until you hear that part say it to you spontaneously, in a way that matches your own understanding.Then you know its happening.This also means your employees must be in the habit of speaking openly about what they are doing.To get honesty, avoid using discussions about current objectives as pop quizzesWhen you need to adjust an employees understanding of his or her work, frame your conversation as being about expectations for the future and defining how to succeed.Dont let it degrade into how the employee should already know these things.RememberWhen your employees dont know what theyre supposed to be doing, its at least as likely to be your fault as theirs.5. Keep talking about output.AVSO, or verbalized summary objective statement,is a kind of mini-commercial in which you state the output youre trying to deliver at the moment.It should take about 90 seconds, and should list about 5-7 output goals that together cover about 80% of what you are working on.Its yours to change, adjust, and modify whenever you see fit. Its also yours to use as your introduction whenever youre talking to people in or about your workplace. Use VSOs with your management and teach your employees to use them with you.Why?Your VSO trains people as to what to expect and not expect from you.It provides an avenue for a manager to edit an employees understanding of the job, and a basis for you to accept or decline requests for additional work.As time goes by, and you deliver on your VSO, you also increase your credibility within the organization as people see that you are following through on your commitments.6. Keep at it.Management is like exercise its often difficult, youre never do ne and it requires self-discipline.Get in the habit of having conversations with superiors about the output needed from your group and discussions with your employees about their individual contributions to that output.Then remind yourself that your job is to maximize the chances that your employees will produce.This wont make management easy, but its the first step in making you better at it.Author BioEdward G. Muzio, CEO of Group Harmonics, is the author of the award winning books Make Work Great Supercharge Your Team, Reinvent the Culture, and Gain Influence One Person at a Time and Four Secrets to Liking Your Work You May elend Need to Quit to Get the Job You Want. An expert in workplace improvement and its relationship to individual enjoyment, Muzio has been featured on Fox Business Network, CBS, and other national media. For more information visit Make Work Great and follow the author on Facebook.Staffing for Managerial Skills that Matter MostStaffing for Managerial Skills tha t Matter MostApril 11, 2012 MuzioIf youre a staffing professional whos looking to fill management positions, there are common managerial skills that will be crucial to find in the qualified candidate whether youre hiring a regional sales manager, a retail store manager, or anyone who oversees the work of others.Why do you need to know them? Simple Your client might not.Managerial SkillsWhen it comes to hiring a manager, its easy for even the savviest clients to lose their way.Some may get so caught up in philosophical conversations about good management skills that they fail to list the manager skills they actually seek.Others might focus so narrowly on writing a manager job description what they need THIS manager to do in THIS position that they fail to consider the more general question of what ALL their managers do well.Either way, such an omission is a major one. To fill any font of manager job description, you need someone with real management skills including those that go beyond any one specific role.Your knowledge of managerial skills is a core part of your own value as a staffing consultant. You might elect to teach it to your customers, or you may just decide to quietly use it in your recruitment strategies.Either way, it will help you to provide a better fit than your competitors, because youll know what your customers truly require.Here are some managerial skills worth exploring with any management candidate.Communicating GoalsThe core function of management is to get other people doing things.Managers must be able to clearly verbalize tasks and follow up as needed.Whether its a production supervisor explaining output requirements to a line worker, or a program manager speaking conceptually about product offerings and market demand, a manager must be able to make his or her team understand their work.At first glance this sounds so obvious Yet, anyone who has managed people can tell you that setting and articulating goals is tremendously challeng ing.When it comes to goals, effective communication skills require a host of abilities includingStructured thinking (to define the goal)Clear communication (to relay it)Patience (to facilitate understanding of it)Empathic listening (to gauge acceptance of it)Thats just the start. When goals are complex or dynamic, this process becomes even more challenging.Make sure your screening process includes investigation of your candidates to articulate goals and assignments.Ask candidates about challenges in setting goals for previous groups, then gauge both their skill in goal setting and how much focus they place on it.Or, ask prospective managers to share some of the goals of their last group, as if you were a new employee there. This will give you insight into their style of communication provided you understand their last position well enough to gauge their responses.Planning and ExecutionIf youve ever worked for a micromanager or an absentee boss you know that good management is a b alancing act between involvement and freedom.A manager must strike a balance between supporting and interacting with employees whilestaying out of their way as they work.This is easy to say, but difficult to do talented managers know that its more dynamic art than static science.Employee skill and commitment levels, project complexity, task urgency, performance history and a variety of other factors inform these decisions.Where novice managers either fail to realize a balance, or blindly use the same approach every time, more sophisticated managers monitor and adjust constantly.Managers who struggle here may well struggle to get output from their teams over time.As you screen candidates, explore their approaches to this balance.When conductingthe interview, ask interviewees to share experiences that illustrate how they decide when to intervene with employees, and when to trust them to make and execute plans themselves.Or, ask whether prospective managers consider themselves to be h ands-on or hands-off, and then probe for their willingness to allow exceptions to the rule.Embracing the Bad NewsIts inevitable Every team hits bumps in the road.Equipment fails, projects fall behind, customers complain and employees call in sick.While managers should certainly work to forestall preventable problems, hiring a manager with the notion that he or she will prevent any trouble is like trying to hire someone to guarantee good weather.Instead, your candidate should have enough managerial skills to flex when problems arise, adjust plans as needed, and deliver the best possible results given the challenges faced. To do this, managers must get and act upon good information.Unfortunately, good information is often the opposite of good news.Managers who avoid bad news, and those who consciously or unconsciously punish messengers, are at a distinct disadvantage.Whether its an early warning from a factory worker that a piece of equipment is performing just below par, or a heads-u p from a project lead about a key milestone falling behind, managers who dont want to hear it are left in the dark.When screening managerial candidates, find out how they handle bad news.Ask about the worst piece of news they ever got from an employee, and how they responded.Or, ask about situations in which their reports were running behind schedule and probe for how soon they discovered the problems.Its one thing to say only bring me solutions as a way of encouraging independent thinking. But managers who avoid problems altogether forego the opportunity to work around them.Finding the FitOf course, every managerial position has its own job requirements. As staffing consultant, your job is to deliver candidates who meet client needs.You no doubt rely heavily on those client-dictated criteria. As you search for the perfect candidate, never forget the one common truth to all staffing consultants We owe our clients what serves them best, whether or not they can fully define it for us. Author BioEdward G. Muzio, CEO of Group Harmonics, is the author of the award-winning books Make Work Great Supercharge Your Team, Reinvent the Culture, and Gain Influence One Person at a Time and Four Secrets to Liking Your Work You May Not Need to Quit to Get the Job You Want. An expert in workplace improvement and its relationship to individual enjoyment, Muzio has been featured on Fox Business Network, CBS, and other national media. For more information visit Make Work Great and follow the author on Facebook.

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Incredible Facts About Resume Analyzer

Incredible Facts About Resume Analyzer Freelance work is also an excellent means to find some experience. Pick the best stories youll be able to remember that have influenced you. Internships are a fantastic way to find some work experience and I strongly suggest this for men and women that are new to the business. With a traditional Resume, youre one among the lakhs with precisely the same outlook. Resumes are usually received and screened electronically utilizing a process called keyword density analysis. Today, you cannot only get a resume analysis from a pro, but youre able to do so free of dienstgrad. Job Analysis is a process which identifies and determines the elements of a work profile and their importance for any particular job. Make sure you meet most qualifications Make sure that you meet the majority of the qualifications for the position. If you do abbreviate, make certain you spell out the abbreviation also. You also need to always check the work descripti on to determine whether the employer wants a specific file type. Be certain to spell out an abbreviation at least one time. If you would like to understand how to enhance your LinkedIn profile in 2018, this is possibly the most significant tip. Which is extremely important part of your professional Resume. Negative keywords are imperative in order to cut back unnecessary spend and boost ROI. Your headline is particularly important. When you send your resume, we will enable you to know whether your resume is fine, needs just a little work, or needs to be totally renovated. The way to make a professional resume. Its vital that you dont simply apply these resumes verbatim. Receive all the help to find past robots, ultimately, your resume will go to an authentic human. The Resume Analyzer Pitfall There are a number of businesses out there which permits you to submit your resume for analysis free of charge and within a few days youll have the results back. If you prefer to see more information about a particular channel, all you need to do is tap on it. Be sure your resume features the most crucial information clearly like your name, current title and company, and details on your present position and education. You always need to have a small time to critique the compensation and benefits package, and weigh your impressions of the business, culture, and people after the interview. Human resource software is critical to pack and modernize the best way to deal with business. The maximum part about WiFi Analyzer and Surveyor is that its completely ad-free. Store and maintain all superior records. Human resources are the workers of the organization having best capabilities and abilities. When it comes to very good executive assistant positions, you will locate them sometimes listed as Executive Assistant. Soon, you will have an excellent resume that tells a recruiter precisely what he or she wants to know. As soon as youve captured a recruiter s attention, keep it by supplying the information that they will need to understand. What You Can Do About Resume Analyzer Beginning in the Next 6 Minutes Whatever the case, during your job search, you will need to display your capacity to work well others and stay cool under pressure. There continue to be precious few tools that concentrate on the work seeker side of the automated-resume scenario. So upload your resume in addition to the description of the job youre applying for. If youre asking for a sales job, for instance, they ask your references to rate your capacity to construct rapport or maybe to negotiate. If there is absolutely no considerable match then the resume drops to the base of the list. Somebody tinkering with this kind of software may want to explore that premise, but for most job seekers, naturally, seeing improvement is the main point, irrespective of any placebo effect. Kursmark says there is not anything wrong with taking a bit from assorted samples t o allow it to be simpler to construct your own resume. Below, you will discover a list of resume examples that could assist you with your work search. What You Can Do About Resume Analyzer Starting in the Next 2 Minutes Adhere to an expert font an ATS can process. CV software is quite beneficial to scale your work methodology. Zipjob supplies a totally free ATS resume checker which contains the outcomes of a real ATS test. Not only does this create an issue for the ATS, but recruiters hate it also

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

4 Ways to Speed Up the Hiring Process - Spark Hire

4 Ways to Speed Up the Hiring Process - Spark HireThroughout my recruiting career, I have been involved with job openings that can be filled anywhere from a few days to a few months. The vast majority of these deals took 3-6 weeks to close, depending on the position requirements and available candidate pool.Regardless of the type of position being recruited for, a sense of urgency and speed is of utmost importance if you want to be successful in the staffing industry.There are four easy ways that recruiters can influence and speed up their clients hiring process1. Constantly CommunicateIf you arent constantly communicating with your clients and candidates, deals will fall apart. Schedule at least a weekly call with your clients in order to review the candidate search process, any submitted candidates, or changes in client needs.notlage only will these weekly calls with your clients help you to better understand if you are on the right track, but it will also help to hold your client accountable to providing you proper feedback on your work.In addition to staying in communication with your clients, you also need to schedule times during the week when you are placing follow up calls with your submitted candidates. Even if you have no new update, it is important that you are communicating with your candidates and letting them know that they are still in consideration.2. Be HonestAlways be upfront and honest with your clients and candidates about what each party is expecting. The last thing you want is for a deal to fall apart in the final stages because you failed to communicate to your client the real desires of your candidate.Likewise, do not sugarcoat your clients expectations or needs when communicating with your candidates. Always be upfront with your candidates when it comes to job requirements, salary ranges, etc.3. Establish GoalsOne effective way to speed up the hiring process is to make sure that you are staying on track with where you need to be during the process.Each recruiter should know and own their personal metrics. For example, I always knew how many candidate submittals I needed for certain types of positions in order to achieve a placement. Each day, week, and month, I reviewed my data and numbers so that I had the most updated and correct metrics for myself. These numbers changed quite often, according to job requirements and available candidate pool.When you track your metrics, you are able to establish daily and weekly goals for yourself in order to get closer to closing deals as quickly as possible.4. Utilize TechnologyA great way to speed up the hiring process is to utilize technology. Emails, text messaging, social media, and video interviews are all fantastic ways to help speed up each piece of the process.When you are more flexible with a candidates availability to communicate, you will get quicker responses and confirmed interest from candidates. For example, perhaps a candidate is unable to take your phone call but is quite capable of quickly returning a text message or email.Also, when your candidate or client has limitations on scheduling a face-to-face interview, consider scheduling a live video interview for them. This eliminates travel cost and time, making it simpler and faster to get those interviews scheduled and the process moving forward.What are your strategies to speed up the hiring process? Please share your tips in the comments below.leumund Jakib Jirsak/BigStock.com