Thursday, November 28, 2019

Benefits for the future unemployed

Benefits for the future unemployedBenefits for the future unemployedStarting early last year, vehicle sales began a steady slide, and theyve shriveled even more violently in the wake of mass layoffs. So, now that theyre in dire straits, car companies are finally paying attention to what their customers need. (They were oblivious to the fact that gas-guzzling trucks and SUVs wouldnt really appeal to prospective buyers in times of bounding prices, but thats another story.) The not-seemingly-in-danger Hyundai was perhaps the first to offer a guarantee to consumers in early January its Assurance program lets buyers off the hook if theyre been laid off after making at least two scheduled lease/loan payments. (They can return the car and forget about up to $7,500 worth of future responsibilities.) Ford and General Motors got on board, and, hoping to shock consumers into purchases, constructed similar plans. Notably, this trend has spread outside the automotive world as guarantees of various sorts have been adopted by a number of other companies. According to SmartMoney magazine, your investment in anything from property rentals (Goldberg Companies, in several states) and suits (Jos. A. Bank) to flights and cruises (jetBlue, Norwegian Cruise Lines) may be covered under such a layoff protection plan. (Theres even a program that safeguards your au pair contract Au Pair in America is thinking about you too) But be sensible dont get lured into making risky purchases just because you seem to be operating with a safety net. And make sure to read the fine print. Posted by Todd Obolsky, Vault News & Commentary

Saturday, November 23, 2019

I#8217;m Shy How Do I Succeed in My Career

I8217m Shy How Do I Succeed in My Career I8217m Shy How Do I Succeed in My Career History is full ofexamples of powerful, socially shy leaders. U.S. Presidents James Madison, Jimmy Carter, andRichard Nixon come to mind. The beloved American investor Warren Buffett is shy yet highly effective inbusiness and public life.In our work with leaders, we have found many effective abverkauf executives may spendtheir professional time meeting new people, but they consider it work.The Shyness ContinuumForty percentof the U.S. population defines itself as shy. In reality, shy is a behavioral continuum.Try this exerciseUsinga scale of 0 (not shy) to 10 (antisocial), assign a number to how shy you think you are.After assigning yourself a number, approach three people who know you well. Ask them to assign a numberto you using the same scale.If the number you gave yourself is higher than the number assigned to you by people who know you,perhaps you are using a pattern of thought called generaliz ation logic.Stanford University Professor Emeritus Philip Zimbardo conducted pioneering research on how shypeople think, and he foundthat many inappropriately use generalization logic while not usingenough situation-specific logic.(1)For example, in one experiment, causal attributions of shy students were compared with causal attributions of control studentsin ten different situations. Significant differences between the two groups emerged when they were asked to explain the outcomes of situations. (2) As it turns out,the higher one is on theshyness continuum, themore likely one is to explain things in terms of generalization logic.An Example of Generalization LogicTwo-year-old Jennifer goes with her mother to visit one of her mothers friends. Jennifer is huggingmothers skirts and avoiding eye contact with the friend. Mother says to her friend, Im sorry, butJennifer is shy.The mothers explanation is an example of generalization logic. It extrapolates behavior from one situation andt hen predicts similar behavior in nearly all situations.On the higher end of theshyness scale say people who rank at 5+ peoples cognitive frameworks bias them to draw conclusions based on generalization logic. Sometimes, the generalization logic is useful. Sometimes, it is not.We landsee it all the time in our practicewhen candidates make statements like, Im bad at networking or I cant do cold calling.Lets revisit the situation with Jennifer and her mother.Suppose her mother now says the followingIm sorry, but Jennifer tends to be shy when first meeting strangers. Im sure she will act differentlyonce she gets to know you.Notice that this logic focuses on situational context. It avoids generalization. It explicitly states that achange in conditions would change Jennifers behavior.The first explanation the one based on generalization logic offers no hope of change, but the second explanation focuses specifically on change.Effective leaders should be able to use both situational log ic and generalization logic. But as you move up in the shyness continuum, your pattern of logic might be unbalanced in favor of generalization logic, and you may beunaware that your logic is unbalanced. This lack of awarenessmay bias your decisions in ways that harm your career and your organization. Overuse of Generalization Logic Can Be DangerousA recruiter calls a chief financial officer (CFO) about an opportunity that would require relocation fromBoston to Tulsa, Oklahoma. One CFO who is lower on the shyness continuum might employ situational logic in the following mannerThe job bewerberinterview itself is worth my time, if only for interview practice. I am not interested inmoving to Tulsa. But who knows? Perhaps the firm will have an opportunity that is too good topass up. Ive never been to Tulsa. I should not judge it until I see it. I will never know unless I giveit a try. After all, it is only a job interview. My family might enjoy a change of scenery, or they mightnot. Lets cross that bridge if and when we need to cross it.A CFO who is 5+ on the shyness scale might have the following logic patternWhat happens if I get an offer? My spouse would never move to Tulsa. My children will be angryat me. I will alienate my children, and my spouse will divorce me. I will end up living alone in acheap motel in Tulsa. I will have all my meals at the local Burger King Is that any way to live?? Iwill not go to Tulsa for a job interview.Using Generalization Logic in Evaluating SubordinatesThis same schriftart of generalization logic can also reduce your effectiveness in evaluating people who report toyou.For example, someone complains that an associate on your team was rude to a customer. The 5+ shyboss might have a cognitive bias about leaping to the conclusion that this subordinate is not a team player.The 5+ shy boss might discount the subordinates explanations about the unusual context of the situationas rationalizations.Someone with a logical framework based mo re in situational logic might be inclined not to take action until a pattern ofrudeness emerges. Generalization Logic Can Be of Value in ModerationGeneralized logic is a great skill to have because it assumes that lessons from one event are easilytransferred to other events. Attorneys use generalization logic when looking to apply case law. Physiciansuse generalization logic in applying findings from one patient to a new patient.As withany pattern of thought, however, effective leaders must bedeliberate about how often they employgeneralization logic. They must see the limitations of generalization logic.If you are on the 5+ side of the shyness continuum, generalization logic might be such a routine way oflooking at the world that you may inappropriately discount situational explanations. And that discounting couldlimit future growth opportunities for you.Join the Conversation Does Being Shy Make It Hard to Advance in Your Career?For example, you know that you need to develop a soci al/professional network outside of your job situation.Life is uncertain, and you do not wish to be dependent upon your boss for your future income. You knowyou need to join a professional association and becomeknown as a player within your profession.Say you join anassociation and attend one cocktail party. The evening turns out to beunproductive and boring. YouconcludeThis association is a waste of time and money.Do you see the generalization logic employed here? A situational logic explanation might be that perhapsmeeting people at cocktail parties is not the best way for you to get known or get to know others. Perhapsyou might want to volunteer your time on a committee of the association.What Got You Here Wont Get You ThereThis is the title of a book on coaching by Marshall Goldsmith (3).The phrase encapsulatesthe basic challengefaced bymany of the people we work with in our practice They must unlearn the discipline and habits of thought that got them to their current level if th ey are to move to a new level.If your perspective is imbalanced between generalization logic and situational logic, find a third party to helpyou get into the habit of taking a more balanced approach. Consider asking your boss for coaching assistance. It is oneway that the company can demonstrate its commitment to you as part of its future. unterstellung days, asking fora coach is as much a sign of weakness as an adequate golfer seeking the help of a golfing coach to improveher putting.Another option is to look for career professionals who are certified by the nonprofit Institute ofCareerCertification International.You cant change your patterns of logic simply through good intentions alone. You need a certain amount of discipline to overcome these bad behavioral habits.This article was adapted fromNavigating the Waterfall Your Job Search and Career Management Guide,produced byStybel, Peabody Associates, an Arbora Global Company.Sources1.Zimbardo, P. G. (1986). The Stanford Shyness Project. Shyness (pp. 17-25). Springer US2.Teglasi, H., Hoffman, M. A. (1982). Causal Attributions of Shy Subjects. Journal of Research in Personality, 16(3), 376-385.3.Goldsmith, M. (2008). What Got You Here Wont Get You There How Successful People Become Even More Successful. Profile Books.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

10 best personal finance books of all time

10 best personal finance books of all time10 best personal finance books of all timeThere are a lot of personal finance books. Sure, not as many as there areblog postson personal finance, but still. There are a lot of them.Follow Ladders on FlipboardFollow Ladders magazines on Flipboard deckblatting Happiness, Productivity, Job Satisfaction, Neuroscience, and moreSo how do you decide which ones are the best ones to read?Ten Best Personal Finance Books Of All TimeTo help answer that question, Ive put together a list of the top personal finance books. Adding these books to your collection is aya to tischset you up for financial success.Some of these books are a bit more technical and some of them are more philosophical. Its important to have the complete picture. This allows you to both understand how to run the numbers as well as to be in the right mindset to do so.I hope you enjoy and let me know what your favorites areYour Money Or Your LifeYour Money or Your Lifeis somewhat of a fo undational personal finance book. The author, Vicki Robin, published it all the way back in 1992.Yet it is is still around this book has stood the test of time.Robins concept of making a dying is perhaps what makes this book so powerful. We all like to say we make a living but what if its the opposite?Despite money being the second words in its title, the book poses more of a philosophical question than one of pure numbers.Do you want to work for someone else forever? Or do you want to take control of your life?I highly recommend reading this book to find out how you can do just that.Order your copy onAmazon.The Simple Path To WealthUnlike Vicki Robins book,The Simple Path to Wealthreally gets into the nitty-gritty numbers. JL Collins wrote it to lay out a simple, no-nonsense investing strategy thatanyonecan follow.Sure, it may be possible to see slightly better results with a more complicated strategy. But with Collinss approach, you set yourself up for success with little effort. This book is definitely one of the best personal finance books of all time. Be sure to check it outOrder your copy onAmazon.The Total Money Makeover A Proven Plan For Financial FitnessMany people in the personal finance community criticize Dave Ramsey. Some call him out of touch or privileged. In spite of this, his book,The Total Money Makeover A Proven Plan for Financial Fitnesscontains some great advice.This is the pivotal book in Dave Ramseys arsenal. It contains his 7 baby steps plan.A lot of the bylines around personal finance sound grim nowadays. But the truth is that they dont have to be. Im confident that even lower-income people can avoid financial disaster with Daves steps.Total Money Makeoveris a great personal finance book for beginners. It helps set the groundwork to set the reader up for financial success. It also has some of the best Dave Ramsey tips all in one distributions-mix.No doubt, this is one of the best personal finance books of all time.Order your copy onAma zon.Financial Freedom A Proven Path To All The Money You Will Ever NeedIt might seem bold to put a book that was only released a few months ago on this list. However, Grant SabatiersFinancial Freedomis thoroughly deserving of a place here.Ive mentioned Grants book several times in the past. And with good reason. The things he has been able to do have been nothing short of remarkable.He went from having$2.26 in his bank account to being a millionaire in just five years. At the start of his journey, he had lost his job and quite was quite literally almost penniless.But through (extremely) hard work, creativity, and determination, Grant managed to pull himself out of financial ruin. Hes now doing extremely well and has been featured on the many of the big news outlets.InFinancial Freedom, Grant walks you through everything he did to reach a 7-figure net worth in a hurry. You dont want to miss this oneOrder your copy onAmazon.I Will Teach You To Be Rich, Second EditionThis book is wor thy of a place on the list because of its no-nonsense approach to finances. Not only that but as the anthroponym implies,I Will Teach You to Be Rich, Second Editionis a refresh on an old classic.While this edition was released a matter of weeks ago, the book was originally released in 2009.Ramit Sethis book is similar to Dave Ramseys in that it gives you a step-by-step approach. However, this book takes it a step further. Its not just for beginners who want to gain a foundational understanding of personal finance.Instead, it gets into the weeds in terms of exactly what you should be doing with your credit cards, investments, and everything needed for financial success.Order your copy onAmazon.Rich Dad, Poor DadRobert Kiyosaki, the author ofRich Dad, Poor Dadis another personal finance who has come under fire. Much live Dave Ramsey, though, his reputation doesnt change the value of his book.I personally like the approach in this book because it focuses on mindset. In addition, it cha llenges many of the established norms of finance. For example, Kiyosaki asserts that your house is not an asset.Some of his advice may be unconventional, but this book is sure to get you thinking differently. And sometimes, that is exactly what we need.Order your copy onAmazon.Secrets Of Six-Figure WomenWhile I dont often focus on womens personal finance,Secrets of Six-Figure Womenis undoubtedly worth a mention.Like it not (well, I hope you do), women are earning more these days. While there are certainly still disparities in income and other workplace dynamics, things are changing.If youre a female reader, theres a good chance you would love to join the likes of other six-figure women. This book will break down exactly how to do just thatAnd these women are not just in one industry. They are all over the spectrum, but what they do have in common are certain characteristics. Do you have what it takes.Order your copy onAmazon.Stack Your SavingsStack Your Savingsis a book by S.J. Scot t and its a bit of a kreuzung of some of the others. It will hit you with facts about personal finance and help you change your money mindset.It will also tell you about the seven pills of money-saving habits. These are not necessarily sequential like those of Dave Ramsey.Nevertheless, these habits are sure to help you get your finances in orderOrder your copy onAmazon.Passive Income FreedomPassive Income Freedomis another important book when it comes to mastering your finances. In fact, creating passive income streams is key to achieving financial independence.Although the color scheme of this book cover may make it seem women-focused, the reality is that anyone can find value in it. And just like I mentioned, this personal finance book focuses has a financial independence theme.So if youre ready to escape the rat race and take control of your finances, be sure to check this one outOrder your copy onAmazon.How To Stop Living Paycheck To PaycheckRounding out the list of the best per sonal finance books of all time isHow to Stop Living Paycheck to Paycheck. And that is no coincidence. You may have heard the stats that keep cropping up about how Americans cant cover a $400 emergency. 40% of us, apparently.If you arent able to cover a $400 emergency, that is the very definition of living paycheck-to-paycheck. Its mind-boggling to think 40% of Americans are in this position.By no means do I fault anyone for being there, though. There are a lot of things I could say about this, but the truth is that most of these people are probably not at fault.Thats why a book like this is so crucial right now. If you are living paycheck-to-paycheck, this is the personal finance book for youOrder your copy onAmazon.I hope youve enjoyed this list and I think you will find these books very helpful. Let me know what you think, and let me know if I missed any must-read booksThis article first appeared on Frugal Fellow.You might also enjoyNew neuroscience reveals 4 rituals that will ma ke you happyStrangers know your social class in the first seven words you say, study finds10 lessons from Benjamin Franklins daily schedule that will ersatzdarsteller your productivityThe worst mistakes you can make in an interview, according to 12 CEOs10 habits of mentally strong people